Posted on 2/24/2010

Walgreens New Children's Activity Book!

Filed Under (,,,) By Sheri@mybargainbasket on 2/24/2010

OK everyone, eyes PEELED for this one!!! There is a NEW Children's Activity Book at Walgreens! So be on the lookout.....It is usually around the pharmacy area and it costs $0.99.  The great part of this book is that it has some coupons stashed inside for parents!

The following are the coupons you will find inside this Coloring Book:

$1 Crayola
$1 Gerber
$1 Band-Aids
$1 Johnson & Johnson
$1 Children's Be Kool
$1 Maalox
$1 Motrin
$1 Triaminic
$1 Tylenol or Pediacare
$1 Nix
$1 Kids Orajel
$1 Huggies Jumbo Pack
$1 Comfort Scanner
$1 Flintstones Chewables
$1 Zooth
$1 Nix
$1 Pediasure NutriPals

Thanks coupon mamacita!