Posted on 4/22/2010

Earthbound Farm Organics: FREE Reusable Bag!

Filed Under () By Sheri@mybargainbasket on 4/22/2010

UPDATE:  I got my bag today.  If you are pressed for time, here are the answers to the quiz (pretend they go a, b, c, d)

2. a
3. b
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. b

Earthbound Farm Organics is giving away free Reuseable bags today (Earth Day - April 22nd) at  11am CST (Minnesota time).
This is from their facebook page: Earthbound Farm It’s Earth Month! Come visit our Earth-Bound Kitchen for a chance to win a Earthbound Farm shopping bags to users who score 100% on our Earth-Bound Kitchen Quiz.

Thanks Mojosavings!